A nerd before the birth of TOS Red Shirts, I share my thoughts on genre media be it books, movies, TV shows, etc

Monday, March 28, 2011

FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.18:

A 'Family' forged by Fate, faces their Fears & Foibles
amid the Freaky & the Fantastic.

Join Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus in our temporarily constructed shared alternate reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.

'Connections: Cosmic & Cabbie'

Podcast Agenda: - note this podcast is PG rated

1 Intro
2 Episode Easter Eggs - Observer Sightings, Glyph, etc
3 Quick Thoughts
4 Roundtable
5 Episode Rating - out of 10 Genes

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable version
via iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Review of Fringe Episode 3.18 – Bloodline

Connections: Cosmic & Cabbie

Quickly now – just finished a Snoopy Happy Dance Marathon upon the news that not only has FOX renewed Fringe for a fourth season but also for a full twenty-two episode order! WooT!

Congrats to the cast and crew!

Bloodline has to be one of the most layered episodes of Fringe. There is so much going on below the surface here that it would take a major thesis to cover them all.  

Fauxlivia Encounters A Buddha In The Road!

Fringe is very much a show of 'why.' The other elements of story telling; how, who, what, where, and when are given to us, in that trademark Fringian Freaky Format that shows the viewer the story in either the most graphic or dramatic way possible. Or with the two mixed together if the occasion calls for it. Often those mechanics are used to manipulate the viewer's thoughts one way while the real 'why' of those scenes is often more complicated than expected. Bloodline is a text book case.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fringe - Ep. 3.17 – Stowaway Episode Review

The Bell Tolls For Whom?

Jumping into a season midstream for a serialized show is never easy. Doing so for a series as complex and layered as Fringe is even more daunting. Always up for a challenge so into the breech I step.

Before I jump into this review a brief statement of orientation of my views on Fringe is needed. It should help you decide whether you feel my reviews will be worth your while. It is all about providing context because in isolation, words and thoughts can be misconstrued. So consider this opening of a new review restaurant and allow me to walk you through the specialities that I am serving.

Chuck Gets A Clue. And Ellie Does Too? - Ep. 4.19: Chuck Vs The Muuurder!

Written by Alex Katsnelson & Kristen Newman
Directed by Alan Kroeker
It is a true measure of affection for these characters that a small scene between Chuck, Sarah, and Casey decompressing together after their latest mission makes wading through a filler episode like this one still rewarding.

A bottle - meaning the episode was confined to standing sets such as the Castle, BuyMore etc - and filler episode; this one ran on three tracks. The A storyline had Chuck in charge of the Intersect Project which quickly became a locked Castle aka room mystery. The B storyline had the BuyMore battling it out with the LargeMart over stolen mascots. The C storyline had Ellie digging deeper into PapaB's Intersect Research on the laptop.

Monday, March 21, 2011

FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.17:

A 'Family' forged by Fate, faces their Fears & Foibles
amid the Freaky & the Fantastic.

Join Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus in our temporarily constructed shared alternate reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.

'The Bell Tolls For Whom?'

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable version
via iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

ODONTV Podcast 6 - The Hunger Games Trilogy

The sixth ODONTV podcast on the current state of TV and, this time, movies!

The True Blush Girls - Emily and Mary - drop by to chat about writer's Suzanne Collins hot Young Adult fiction trilogy - The Hunger Games which is currently being adapted into a movie trilogy.

We discuss the books, the attraction of the series, which book was our favorite, the characters, and the daunting task of bringing these books to the silver screen.

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Emily - @Yokaputo
Mary - @mary3s
Lou - @olddarth

Intro music - Fool's Overture by SuperTramp
Exit music - Sirius/Eye In Sky by The Alan Parsons Project

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to the portable version
via iTunes - Portable Version.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CNN 4.18 - Chuck Vs The A Team

Welcome back gang!

Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of CNN 4.18 - Chuck Vs The A Team


Thanks to my fellow podcasters Jan, Karen, and Joe.

Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast and every time you watch it helps to support us!

As always this podcast is family and office safe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vacuum Packed - Ep. 4.18 – Chuck Vs The A Team

Written by Phil Klemmer

Directed by Kevin Mock

Serialized vs Stand Alone.

As a series Chuck has flipped between these two types of story telling approaches with mixed results. Even the most ardent fan will recognize the inconsistencies that have cropped up over the past four seasons in the show's mythos. These become even more pronounced when the stand alone episodes try to operate in a vacuum, ignoring or contradicting previously established show mythology and history.

That the Intersect was something so overwhelmingly complex that only a unique individual could withstand having it inserted into their brain has been long abandoned by the show. The number of people that can survive being Intersected increases with each season. What was once postulated being unique to Chuck, his brain's ability to absorb being Intersected without harmful or fatal effects, is now commonplace. Now the show conceit has shrunk down to that it is Chuck himself that is special as a person. His personality and set of moral ethics is what makes him the only one that can handle having the Intersect in his head without losing his humanity. Time after time Chuck's specialness is ignored by the Intelligence Agencies Power Brokers when new Intersects are desired.

It would seem that the recent economic downturn has also affected the available number of bad guys too. In the pilot the goal was to be able to produce an army of Intersected Agents to protect the free world. Now, contradicting that original goal, there are only enough bad guys to keep one Intersect team employed.

The A Team.

The setup of having Chuck and Sarah demoted to the Dog Walking Team does not bear up even under the most cursory examination. All the success history of Team Bartowski is also ignored so the new A Team can arise and replace them. Of course, all this suspect situational setup is irrelevant to the viewer if it leads to entertaining story results. I found the results mildly entertaining with the Hurt Locker Chuck bomb defusing scene at the climax the definite highlight.

Another problematic aspect of this episode is the muddied motivations of why Casey joined the new team. The show wants to set up tension between Casey and his old team mates but the show cannot make Casey out to be a bad guy. So they gloss over Casey's motivations for dumping Chuck and Sarah. His third wheel laments make little sense when we find out he has left to helm a team of two Intersects. If he felt like a third wheel on Team Bartowski with one Intersect how does this move to the new team make any sense? So the whole exercise of having Casey sneaking off to lead the new team is to create pointless false drama.

Episode Flashes: Add your own in the comments.
  • Morgan almost gaining control over his torture peeing problem
  • Missionless Chuck and Sarah bored and playing board games
  • Morgan describing Casey as his domestic partner
  • the new A Team – Rick & Vicki
  • the Jana extraction assignment turns out to be a real 'dog' of a mission
  • stir crazy Ellie wants the Orion laptop
  • Ellie seduces Jeff and Lester.... again
  • Jeff the Psychic
  • CBS approved bio-residue scanning goggles
  • Lecter-like plexiglass jail cell in the new Castle wing
  • Hurt Locker Chuck and the Apple Juice solution
  • iPhone bomb detonator
  • Chuck is now Overseer of all Intersect Projects
  • the Gretas relief at having the Intersect removed
  • Ellie gets the Orion laptop as Bentley does an end run around Beckman and Chuck

Just Like Old Times

There was some interesting stuff at the end of this episode. Ellie being given the Orion laptop by Bentley certainly sets up some intriguing story possibilities. What was a throw away line by Captain Rick about feeling bad for Chuck having the Intersect in his head really grabbed my interest. It is doubtful the show will pursue that comment any further but an exploration of the burden of Chuck having an Intersect is one that I would find fascinating.

Monday, March 14, 2011

FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.16: Os -
'Of Bells & Bongs'

A 'Family' forged by Fate, faces their Fears & Foibles
amid the Freaky & the Fantastic.

Join Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus in our temporarily constructed shared alternate reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable version
via iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Justified - CottonMouth - The Hillbilly Whisperer

The True Blush Girls invited me back to discuss episodes 2 thru 5 from Season Two of Justified.

Check it out here - The Hillbilly Whisperer.

A great show with an awesome cast that is a lot of fun.

PS - keep an eye, and ear, open for another joint podcast where we will meet again to discuss, 'The Hunger Games,' trilogy and the upcoming movie adaptation.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ODONTV Podcast 5 - FOX's Human Target - Their Aim Is True

The fifth ODONTV podcast on the current state of TV!

Join Adrien, Jan, and Karen as I - Lou, help them maintain their aim on a discussion of FOX's Human Target and their hopes for a third season.

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Adrien - @a_belliveau
Jan - @happydayz3
Karen -@aleveria
Lou - @olddarth

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable version
via iTunes - Portable Version.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CNN - 4.17: Chuck Vs The First Bank of Evil

Welcome back gang!

Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of CNN 4.17 - Chuck Vs The First Bank of Evil


Thanks to my fellow podcasters Jan, Karen, and Joe.

Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast and every time you watch it helps to support us!

As always this podcast is family and office safe.